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[해커랭크(Hackerrank)/30 Days of Code/파이썬3(python3)] Day 6: Let's Review 본문


[해커랭크(Hackerrank)/30 Days of Code/파이썬3(python3)] Day 6: Let's Review

규도자 (gyudoza) 2019. 3. 21. 20:57

Today we're expanding our knowledge of Strings and combining it with what we've already learned about loops. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video!

Given a string, , of length  that is indexed from  to , print its even-indexed and odd-indexed characters as  space-separated strings on a single line (see the Sample below for more detail).

Note:  is considered to be an even index.

Input Format

The first line contains an integer,  (the number of test cases). 
Each line  of the  subsequent lines contain a String, .


Output Format

For each String  (where ), print 's even-indexed characters, followed by a space, followed by 's odd-indexed characters.

Sample Input


Sample Output

Hce akr
Rn ak


Test Case 0 
The even indices are , and , and the odd indices are , and . We then print a single line of  space-separated strings; the first string contains the ordered characters from 's even indices (), and the second string contains the ordered characters from 's odd indices ().

Test Case 1 
The even indices are  and , and the odd indices are  and . We then print a single line of  space-separated strings; the first string contains the ordered characters from 's even indices (), and the second string contains the ordered characters from 's odd indices ().


# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT

test_case_count = int(input())
test_case_input = []
for test_case_index in range(test_case_count):
    current_word = input()
    odd_string = ''
    even_string = ''
    for string_index in range(len(current_word)):
        if not string_index % 2 == 0:
            even_string = even_string + current_word[string_index]
            odd_string = odd_string + current_word[string_index]
    print(odd_string + ' ' + even_string)


0은 짝수로 치고 홀수번째 글자와 짝수번째 글자를 따로 분류하여 출력하는 문제이다.
